photo of Tanya smiling with sunglasses on and hair blowing in the wind. background is light blue sky with waves crashing

“You can make the best chocolate cake in the world, but if you serve it in a paper bag, no one’s going to eat it.”

I heard that in a lecture in 2014 and have carried it with me through all my work since then. I studied and worked on public health and policy issues such as diabetes prevention, school food, soda taxes and bail reform. I used my writing, research and policy analysis skills not just to find the best chocolate cake but to communicate to make sure people knew and understood that it was the best one.

I bring my communications and advocacy experience with me into my designs. I chose to be a product designer because it combines my scientific and analytical side with my creative and artistic side that previously has been relegated to my hobbies.

To be a good designer you have to understand people—what motivates them, what scares them, what brings them joy—and they have to trust you to understand those things. I want to use design to create change, reimagine our systems and serve people the best chocolate cake on the most beautiful platter I can design.

decorative illustration of an abstract mountain scene

Let’s connect

I’m looking for my next role! I'm eager to join a collaborative and enthusiastic design team of people I can learn from. Please reach out to connect about working together, design inspiration, or anything else (craft projects, running, voting rights, or your favorite nature spot in NYC).

Fill out the form below or send me an email at:

t m o s s d e s i g n @ g m a i l . c o m

Thanks, looking forward to connecting soon!
an image of three small yellow stars
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